News & Album

teach love, learn and to experience KKOTTONGNAE UNIVERSITY

현황 전체 : 41건 (1 / 5 page)
게시판 목록 - 번호, 구분, 제목, 등록일, 조회로 구성
번호 제목 작성자 등록일 조회
41 MOU between Kkottongnae University and the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry Ministry of Justice (Kongju, Korea) 학교관리자 2019.09.09 204
40 MOU between Kkottongnae Univ. and Romyzian Garden (Jeongseon, Kangwon-do) 학교관리자 2019.09.09 180
39 ‘2019 4th Francisco International Volunteer Camp’ 학교관리자 2019.09.09 191
38 MOU between Kkottongnae Univ. and Columbia College (Missouri, USA) 학교관리자 2019.09.09 167
37 A Special Lecture by Byung-gil Han, the Former Ambassador to Argentina 학교관리자 2019.09.09 196
36 A Visit of Professor Adey Nymathi from University of California, Irvine 학교관리자 2019.09.09 216
35 ‘2019 March for Life, Korea’ in Seoul 학교관리자 2019.09.09 225
34 A Special Lecture by Jesae Oh, a Member of the National Assembly 학교관리자 2019.09.09 162
33 Catholic Maundy(foot-washing) ceremony during Holy Week and 홈페이지 관리자 2018.03.27 230
32 100% Pass Rate for National Nurse Examination 홈페이지 관리자 2018.02.14 176


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